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Our Strategy anchored in the Global Sustainable Development Goals.

UN SDG's 4,8,1 and 17

Sustainability is at the heart of our strategy, we critically monitor the economic, environmental and social impacts of aviation and emerging issues of national, regional and global importance."

PMC Global Strategic Approach is strongly linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4, 8 and 17. PMC Global Aviation is fully committed to addressing the world's greatest sustainable development challenges and promoting sustainable development, both by minimizing the negative impacts and maximizing the positive impacts on people and the planet. ​

Our mission is to support Member States, aviation authorities and industry to achieve sustained success in ensuring the availability of competent aviation professionals through support in civil aviation training oversight, intelligence, and management.

PMC Global Aviation focus is to support Member States and territories in managing and implementing national civil aviation plans to achieve sustainable qualitative, inclusive, and lifelong learning in support of capacity-building and human resource development strategies.

Ensuring sustainable access to enough qualified and competent aviation professionals to operate and manage the current and future air transport system based on international standards for safety, air navigation capacity and efficiency, aviation security and facilitation, economic development of air transport and environmental protection.

With our cooperation strategy, we focus on perfecting our aviation training and capacity-building support in all aviation-related fields with the aim of bringing the aviation industry to the highest standards of effectiveness and sustainability. With the aim that no one and no country is left behind in reaping the benefits that the aviation industry offers.


How the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 4,8, and 17 are anchored in PMC Global Aviation strategic approach.

SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all.

Education is one of the most influential vehicles for sustainable development. It is vital to escape poverty as it enables upward socio-economic mobility. The fourth SDG ensures inclusive and quality education and promotes lifelong learning for all.

It is of great importance to realize that sustainable access to aviation training and education based on the ICAO training policy and in accordance with the TRAINAIR PLUS program, is a prerequisite to assist Member States, aviation authorities and industry to ensure sustainability in:

  1. Sufficiently competent and qualified aviation professionals to maintain, operate and manage the current and future international air transport system, to achieve a safe and more secure aviation system. and,

  2. To effectively implement Civil Aviation Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), policies and programs.

PMC Global Aviation's activities include the management, development and delivery of aviation training and HR capacity building where ICAO owns intellectual property and done through the TRAINAIR PLUS program. As well as we participate and or follow global and regional aviation training events to discuss opportunities to improve human resources development, identify new practical training tools, and exchange best practices.

In addition, we focus on the latest developments and knowledge on environmental topics. The reason is that activities in these areas increases the possibility to further contribute to achieving SDG 4. By proactively supporting capacity-building and human resource development strategies in this area, will ensure the availability of competent professionals to support related developments.


SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth drives progress, improves living standards and creates decent jobs for all. Encouraging entrepreneurship and job creation is essential to achieving this goal.

Enhancing aviation safety is a prerequisite for sustainable development, which will enable higher levels of economic productivity. As well as, the growth of the green economy will generate significant social benefits, such as safe working environments for all workers and sustainable tourism, and creating more jobs through innovation, diversification, and technological upgrade.

To proactively support aviation developments in a green economy, PMC Global Aviation actively monitors this area. Due the fact that the environmental area will enhance the possibility for work, decent jobs and entrepreneurship for young people and adults with relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills.

With the aim to sustainably support the aviation community in with achieving positive results with SDG 8, PMC Global Aviation assists the aviation community in:

  1. Developing national aviation training roadmaps ensuring availability of competent and enough aviation professionals to operate and maintain the actual and future international air transport system.

  2. Developing Plans of Action and coordinating technical assistance projects.

  3. Monitoring green growth and green economy initiatives, which enable new green technologies and clean energy for the aviation sector.

  4. Monitoring emerging issues in sustainable aviation fuel and other sustainable technologies (e-flying).

PMC Global Aviation by these activities, promotes higher economic productivity levels and employment for all, contributing to obtaining the SDG 8.


SDG 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

Strengthening the global partnership for sustainable development requires essential efforts such as supporting development plans to achieve goals, fostering alliances, and embracing technology.

The current pandemic proved to the world, that international alliances or partnerships are more important than ever to create synergy in solving the world’s problems, and today’s technology empowers us to share ideas and foster innovation. We are more interconnected than ever.

PMC Global has entered strategic alliances in accordance with ICAO's policies and cooperative system with the aim of sharing and transferring knowledge and technical expertise in support of capacity-building strategies of Member States, territories, and the aviation industry.

The aim is to sustainably be successful in supporting aviation service providers, government organizations and aviation authorities with high-quality advice and support in the safe implementation of ICAO’s global plans, aviation policies and activities in all aviation-related fields.

Our structure is based on a virtual business concept in which skilled consultants and/or partner organizations align their performance expectations with an optimally functioning network, meeting the need for a full-time consulting product based on team effort rather than a single practitioner, and cost-effective. And by strategically applying proven standards and recommended best practices, we proactively ensure sustainable success embedded in a quality assurance approach by reacting positively and timely to transitions and trends.

PMC Global Aviation also assists in developing strategies for cooperation with civil aviation authorities and non-State entities involved in civil aviation, exploring additional funding sources for technical cooperation and technical assistance projects, assists in addressing safety challenges, air navigation capacity and efficiency needs, aviation security, and enhancing aviation environmental matters through international cooperation.

By following and implementing the strategic direction of ICAO’s Global Plans and civil aviation development frameworks contributes to SDG 17.



The SDGs are the global agenda for the development of our societies. These also provide an opportunity for PMC Global Aviation to demonstrate how its strategic approach supports progress and developments for sustainable civil aviation development locally, nationally, regionally and globally, and how we contribute to minimizing negative impacts and maximizing positive effects on people and planet.

The SDGs act as an overarching framework to shape, direct, communicate, and report on our strategies, goals and activities.

With this, we can demonstrate how we strategically strengthen relationships with governments, aviation authorities, aviation service providers, aviation training organizations and the aviation industry, as well as why bring synergistic partners together to address the challenges of the civil aviation.

As well as, how the ICAO training policy and the TRAINAIR PLUS program are anchored in our strategy and how we keep pace with policy developments and emerging issues at the international, national and regional levels.

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